Monday, September 6, 2010

My first sale!

This is my first ever sale!  I sold it about 4 months ago; we've been negotiating, designing, manufacturing, and installed it last week...

Here is the before photo ▼

and here is the customer-supplied logo -----------►

This was a great learning experience, as I was involved in the design and permitting, as well as the project management.  We also converted from neon in the old sign to LED lighting in the new sign, so this project qualified for a utility company rebate.  I handled the pre-approval forms and the process management to help the customer get the rebate. (We're currently waiting on the recycling forms from Eco-Light, the final step!)

I will post some night-time pics which will really show how great this sign looks!
Here's a link to Cascade Arms website - they are a great gun shop -

PLEASE, feel free to leave any comments!

1 comment:

  1. Nice,

    The first sale is always the best! Have you ever read The New Conceptual Selling? DO you need help with sales? If so, I would check it out. It will blow your mind in regards to selling.

